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Showing posts from July, 2008

Top 10 Concepts That Every Software Engineer Should Know

The future of software development is about good craftsmen. With infrastructure like Amazon Web Services and an abundance of basic libraries, it no longer takes a village to build a good piece of software. These days, a couple of engineers who know what they are doing can deliver complete systems. In this post, we discuss the top 10 concepts software engineers should know to achieve that. A successful software engineer knows and uses design patterns, actively refactors code, writes unit tests and religiously seeks simplicity. Beyond the basic methods, there are concepts that good software engineers know about. These transcend programming languages and projects - they are not design patterns, but rather broad areas that you need to be familiar with. The top 10 concepts are: need to be familiar with. The top 10 concepts are: Interfaces Conventions and Templates Layering Algorithmic Complexity Hashing Caching Concurrency Cloud Computing Security Relational Databases 10. Relational Da...

Facebook Redesign To Go Live

Five months later and it looks like Facebook is ready to release its new profile redesign. Facebook had announced it was working on a redesign earlier this year. In May, a glimpse of the redesigned was released to developers in the developers sandbox. Tomorrow evening the redesign will be open to the public. Back on Schedule Originally, the redesign was scheduled to be released earlier this week on Wednesday. However, there were numerous API problems which Facebook promptly notified developers about. Since then, developers and users have been able to access a preview of the new profile redesign by heading to . Yesterday evening Facebook released the following message to developers: "We know you've been working hard getting your applications ready for integration with the new profile. Thank you for working alongside us. We're close to the starting line - when users can start opting in to see the new site. We recommend you have your applic...